Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Block Day Class 2/16-2/17

HW - Due Tuesday 2/22

- Analyze your results from the OGT Test by filling out Student Self-Check and Reflection – This is a graded HW assignment.  Everyone must fill out their sheet because no one got a perfect.

-Read Chapter 16 Section 2 and 17 Section 1
- Optional - It will not be counted against you if you don’t do them, but if you want HW points, you may answer the Section 1 assessment questions on page 534.  (1 a and b); 2 (a and b); 3 (a and b); 4 (a, b, and c)

For those of you who weren't in class today
I returned the quiz

I went over a power point on Eisenhower, his policies, and Alliances.  View that powerpoint using the link to the right.

We discussed the U.N., NATO, and the Warsaw Pact.  We read documents on each of those groups and answered questions. They can be found using the Documents link to the left.

I handed back the OGT answers.

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