Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Block Day 04.27 - 04.28

Talked about Watergate.  If you are interested....2 great movies to learn more about Watergate and Nixon - "All The President's Men" and "Frost/Nixon"

Homework - Bring ALL American History Textbooks you have.
Small Quiz on Nixon's Presidency on Friday
 - Chapter 21, Section 1
 - Chapter 21, Section 2 up to pg 679
 - Class Material from Monday, Tuesday, and Block Day

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tuesday 04.26

In Class we finished our discussion about Richard Nixon's foreign and Domestic Policies.

HW - None

Monday, April 25, 2011

Intercession at Rock Hall

Honors American History
Rock Hall Intersession
Type your response to the essay below in a Google Doc.

Make sure to share with Mrs. Price
Due Monday May 2nd
Essay Prompt
Describe in 250 words or less the impact of rock music on popular culture and social change.


Monday 04.25

No HW - make sure you are comfortable with Chapter 21, section 1.

In Class, we taught each other about Nixon's domestic policies and discussed his conservative and liberal leanings.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Blockday Test Day 4.21

Took the Vietnam Test today

HW -
Read Chapter 21, section 1.
Pg. 673 #1-2

Pg 690 #11 B,C

Monday, April 18, 2011

Monday 04.18

Discussed 2 elections and Nixon's Vietnam policies.

HW - read the handout on My Lai and the soldiers experience returning home after the war.

Also start studying for the block day test on Vietnam.
Here is the study guide

Please check to see if you have anyone from your family that was a casualty of the Vietnam War (grandparent, uncle, etc...).  Ask your parents and see if you can bring a name to class.


Saturday, April 16, 2011

Friday 04.15

HW - Read Chapter 19 Section 4

Discussed highlights of Vietnam Protests and looked at the lyrics of anti-war songs.

Test on Vietnam is on Block Day 4.20 - 4.21

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Looking Ahead...

- We will have the Vietnam Test on Tuesday.  You are responsible for Chapter 19 in the textbook, the things we have discussed and watched in class. 

- I will try my best to get you a study guide on Friday.

- In the meantime...please realize that you will need to have Chapter 19, section 4 read by Monday.  So, if you wanted to get a start on that over the rest of this week, go ahead and do that.

Tuesday 04.12

In Class, discussed U.S. strategies, successes and struggles in the Vietnam war up to, and including, the Tet Offensive in 1968.

HW - make sure you are current with the readings in Chapter 19.  You should have sections 1, 2, and 3 completed.  Please write out a response to section 3 assessment question 1 if you have not already done so.


Monday, April 11, 2011

Consider the time period from 1950 through 1970 in the United States.  In a well-structured essay, choose what you believe to be the 3 most important events, dates, Supreme Court decisions, or pieces of legislation that shaped the Civil Rights era.  Your essay needs to provide your reasoning as to why you believe those 3 are the most important.  You do not have to limit yourself to the struggle of African Americans.  You may consider anything that we read about or discussed in class.

Concepts to consider: Women, Native Americans, Mexican-Americans, the poor in the United States, young Americans of the Baby Boom generation, and African Americans

Monday 04.11

HW - Read Chapter 19 Section 3.  Answer Section Assessment Question #1

Class - We took the Civil Rights Essay Test.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Friday 04.08 - Dear America

What was it like for soldiers in Vietnam?  What did they miss?  How did they feel?  What did they go through?

We watched a film: Dear America - that is a series of narrated letters home from Vietnam.

HW - Prepare yourself for Monday's Essay Test
10th Period - since many of you decided not to take notes, if you would like to write a short reflection paper on what you saw in the movie, I will accept that on Monday as I am grading the notes you took today.  If you want to email it to me over the weekend, that's fine too.

Wednesday/Thursday Block Day 04.06 - 04.07

HW - None

In Class - discussion and recreation of the the draft lottery.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tuesday 04.05

 USS Maddox

HW - Read Chapter 19 Section 2.  Answer Question 3 in section review.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wednesday/Thursday Block Day 03.23 - 03.24

HW -
Bring headphones to class tomorrow!

Discussion of American Culture in the 1950s and the development of counterculture.  Powerpoints are in the powerpoint section.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Tuesday 03.22

If you didn't do the Kennedy/Johnson HW that should have been due today, make sure you do it.  I will check it over on your block day.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Friday 3.11

We finished reviewing for the Social Studies OGT.
I put powerpoints for Economics and Industrialization in the power point tab

Please let me know if you would like to go over anything individually or as a class that might be on the Social Studies OGT on Friday.  Email me or come see me in the Humanities offices.

I have Cheat Sheet Study Guides, so see me if you need one.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tuesday 03.08


Please Read Chapters 9 and 10 in the OGT Book.  Then do the study test that I handed out in class.  Close your OGT books when you take the study test.  Just see where you are at.  Obviously I'm not grading for right and wrong effort.  You should just be trying to see if you are comfortable with the material.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Monday 03.07

Malcom X

1st Period, sorry for the confusion getting you the blue OGT books.

Alright everyone in 1st and 10th, please read chapter 8 on economics.  Then, on paper, to turn in, please answer questions 1-10 at the end of Chapter 8, "Testing Your Knowledge." For a HW grade.

In Class today, we wrote briefly about "I have a Dream"
We discussed more events of the Civil Rights Movement, including MLK, women, Latinos, and Native Americans.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Friday 03/04

No Homework.

In Class:
We took 10 minutes to write an OGT free-response (essay).  Please refer to the Blue OGT Review Books and look at pp 18-21 to see what we did in class.  Write the essay, then, self-grade it after reading the other responses from the OGT book.  Hopefully you will have a clearer understanding of what the OGT graders are looking for.

Then, we watched some video clips about a few of the big events of the Civil Rights movement.  Refer to the powerpoint we went over in class.
There are a couple youtube links in the power point.  Make sure you click on them to learn about the person or event

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Wednesday and Thursday 03.02 - 03.03

HW : Read Chapter 18 section 1.

Discussed 14th Amendment and Supreme Court cases involving the 14th Amendment.
Work Through the powerpoint that I posted if you weren't here.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Tuesday was Test Day

Good Work.  Hopefully you weren't too stressed out.
Thank You for working hard so far this quarter!

No Homework

We will be discussing Civil Rights tomorrow.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Test Tuesday

The study guide is in the documents section to the right.
The study guide has the list
The test will be a little over half objective (multiple choice, T/F, etc...)
The test will be a little under half short writing/essay

Friday, February 25, 2011

Snow Day Friday

Projects from Cuban Missile Crisis are due Monday

Make sure you read Chapter 17 sections 1 AND 2
I just added 2 since we have an extra day.  It's still JFK

Test is on TUESDAY!!!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Block Day Class 2/23 - 2/24

Due Friday 
1.) Read Chapter 17 Section 1 to find out what happens after the Missile Crisis.  If you want to, you may read the Epilogue found here.  That is not a requirement, but you need to read something to see how the Missile Crisis turns out.
2.) For an assignment, you have a choice....Political Cartoon or CD Case.  Whichever you choose, it is due on Friday.
See the instructions for the assignment here.

We have a test on Monday
It will cover the sections of chapter 15, 16, and 17 that we have covered in class.

In ClassToday,
Please email me if you have questions.  mr.phillips18
We had an ExCom policy meeting (sort of like a debate, but not really) on the Cuban Missile Crisis.
If you missed class here is what you need to do:
1. Read the introduction to the Missile Crisis...found here
2.  Watch the first 1 minute 35 seconds of this youtube clip
3.  You are members of ExCom...JFK's advisory group.  The Cuban Missile Crisis is developing.  Please Read the following documents one at a time and write answer the questions found at the bottom of each document.  Brief A    Brief B    Brief C
Again, that Document A....answer the questions for document A.  Then read Document B....then answer Document B questions....etc.   Before you read Document this youtube video.    There are 3 total documents you must respond to (A, B and C). 
 Create a word document or a google document and send it to me when you are done.  Think about and answer the questions thoroughly.  EXPLAIN YOUR ANSWERS IN one word responses.

4.  Read Chapter 17, section 1 in your textbook to discover what happens as a result of the Cuban Missile Crisis.  You can also read this optional Epilogue.

5.  Do the HW assigment listed above.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tuesday 2/22

Homework is to read the introduction to the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Block Day Class 2/16-2/17

HW - Due Tuesday 2/22

- Analyze your results from the OGT Test by filling out Student Self-Check and Reflection – This is a graded HW assignment.  Everyone must fill out their sheet because no one got a perfect.

-Read Chapter 16 Section 2 and 17 Section 1
- Optional - It will not be counted against you if you don’t do them, but if you want HW points, you may answer the Section 1 assessment questions on page 534.  (1 a and b); 2 (a and b); 3 (a and b); 4 (a, b, and c)

For those of you who weren't in class today
I returned the quiz

I went over a power point on Eisenhower, his policies, and Alliances.  View that powerpoint using the link to the right.

We discussed the U.N., NATO, and the Warsaw Pact.  We read documents on each of those groups and answered questions. They can be found using the Documents link to the left.

I handed back the OGT answers.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tuesday 2/15

We took the chapter 15 quiz today.  Please see me if you were absent.
We received our WWII tests back and went over the answers.  Please see Mrs. Price if you still have issues with that.

We watched a few film clips about:
The Hydrogen Bomb
Other Cold War Hotspots: Vietnam and the Suez Canal.

HW: Read Read pages 470(NATO paragraphs), 475-476 (U.N.)  496-501

Monday, February 14, 2011

QUIZ on Tuesday 02.15

There will be a quiz tomorrow.
Please re-read Chapter 15 sections 1, 3, and 4.
Also, please look at your notes and look through the powerpoints for those sections that we discussed in class.  Each of the powerpoints can be found using the links on the right.

Approximately 10 multiple choice and True/False.
Approximately 1-2 short answer questions.

Monday 02.14

Turned in partner essays on Korea.  Completed partner evaluations.

Discussed Korean War PowerPoint

Also, looked at the pictures from Korea utilizing the link to the right.  (Pictures taken by my brother who is an Army helicopter pilot!)

HW - Quiz Tomorrow

Friday 02.11

We took a practice OGT test.  Please see me to take the test if you did not take it!

HW - Paired Essay assignment using the documents form the Korea DBQ found at the the end of the Cold War DBQ packet.  Make sure youare comfortable with Chapter 15.4 on the Korean War.

Wednesday and Thursday 2.09 and 2.10

McCarthyism and the Red Scare.  Intro to Korea

We reviewed the Churchill and Stalin documents.  What do they say about the relationship between U.S./Britain and the Soviet Union.

We simulated McCarthyism with the dot/no dot activity in class.

Discussed the powerpoint for McCarthyism

Introduction to Korea through primary source documents found at the end of the Cold War DBQ Packet.

HW - Read section 15.4 and finish the DBQ short answers.

Tuesday 02.08


HW - Read Chapter 15 Section 3 and refresh yourself on the Churchill and Stalin documents from yesterday.

Monday 02.07

Discussed the beginnings of the Cold War.
Watched 2 YouTube videos  here and here.

Discussed powerpoint that can be found using the link to the right.

Looked at Churchill Iron Curtain Speech and Stalin Pravda interview.
Both can be found in the documents link to the left.

No Homework (WWII Test on Tuesday)