Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Block Day 04.27 - 04.28

Talked about Watergate.  If you are interested....2 great movies to learn more about Watergate and Nixon - "All The President's Men" and "Frost/Nixon"

Homework - Bring ALL American History Textbooks you have.
Small Quiz on Nixon's Presidency on Friday
 - Chapter 21, Section 1
 - Chapter 21, Section 2 up to pg 679
 - Class Material from Monday, Tuesday, and Block Day

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tuesday 04.26

In Class we finished our discussion about Richard Nixon's foreign and Domestic Policies.

HW - None

Monday, April 25, 2011

Intercession at Rock Hall

Honors American History
Rock Hall Intersession
Type your response to the essay below in a Google Doc.

Make sure to share with Mrs. Price
Due Monday May 2nd
Essay Prompt
Describe in 250 words or less the impact of rock music on popular culture and social change.


Monday 04.25

No HW - make sure you are comfortable with Chapter 21, section 1.

In Class, we taught each other about Nixon's domestic policies and discussed his conservative and liberal leanings.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Blockday Test Day 4.21

Took the Vietnam Test today

HW -
Read Chapter 21, section 1.
Pg. 673 #1-2

Pg 690 #11 B,C

Monday, April 18, 2011

Monday 04.18

Discussed 2 elections and Nixon's Vietnam policies.

HW - read the handout on My Lai and the soldiers experience returning home after the war.

Also start studying for the block day test on Vietnam.
Here is the study guide

Please check to see if you have anyone from your family that was a casualty of the Vietnam War (grandparent, uncle, etc...).  Ask your parents and see if you can bring a name to class.


Saturday, April 16, 2011

Friday 04.15

HW - Read Chapter 19 Section 4

Discussed highlights of Vietnam Protests and looked at the lyrics of anti-war songs.

Test on Vietnam is on Block Day 4.20 - 4.21

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Looking Ahead...

- We will have the Vietnam Test on Tuesday.  You are responsible for Chapter 19 in the textbook, the things we have discussed and watched in class. 

- I will try my best to get you a study guide on Friday.

- In the meantime...please realize that you will need to have Chapter 19, section 4 read by Monday.  So, if you wanted to get a start on that over the rest of this week, go ahead and do that.

Tuesday 04.12

In Class, discussed U.S. strategies, successes and struggles in the Vietnam war up to, and including, the Tet Offensive in 1968.

HW - make sure you are current with the readings in Chapter 19.  You should have sections 1, 2, and 3 completed.  Please write out a response to section 3 assessment question 1 if you have not already done so.


Monday, April 11, 2011

Consider the time period from 1950 through 1970 in the United States.  In a well-structured essay, choose what you believe to be the 3 most important events, dates, Supreme Court decisions, or pieces of legislation that shaped the Civil Rights era.  Your essay needs to provide your reasoning as to why you believe those 3 are the most important.  You do not have to limit yourself to the struggle of African Americans.  You may consider anything that we read about or discussed in class.

Concepts to consider: Women, Native Americans, Mexican-Americans, the poor in the United States, young Americans of the Baby Boom generation, and African Americans

Monday 04.11

HW - Read Chapter 19 Section 3.  Answer Section Assessment Question #1

Class - We took the Civil Rights Essay Test.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Friday 04.08 - Dear America

What was it like for soldiers in Vietnam?  What did they miss?  How did they feel?  What did they go through?

We watched a film: Dear America - that is a series of narrated letters home from Vietnam.

HW - Prepare yourself for Monday's Essay Test
10th Period - since many of you decided not to take notes, if you would like to write a short reflection paper on what you saw in the movie, I will accept that on Monday as I am grading the notes you took today.  If you want to email it to me over the weekend, that's fine too.

Wednesday/Thursday Block Day 04.06 - 04.07

HW - None

In Class - discussion and recreation of the the draft lottery.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tuesday 04.05

 USS Maddox

HW - Read Chapter 19 Section 2.  Answer Question 3 in section review.