Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wednesday/Thursday Block Day 03.23 - 03.24

HW -
Bring headphones to class tomorrow!

Discussion of American Culture in the 1950s and the development of counterculture.  Powerpoints are in the powerpoint section.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Tuesday 03.22

If you didn't do the Kennedy/Johnson HW that should have been due today, make sure you do it.  I will check it over on your block day.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Friday 3.11

We finished reviewing for the Social Studies OGT.
I put powerpoints for Economics and Industrialization in the power point tab

Please let me know if you would like to go over anything individually or as a class that might be on the Social Studies OGT on Friday.  Email me or come see me in the Humanities offices.

I have Cheat Sheet Study Guides, so see me if you need one.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tuesday 03.08


Please Read Chapters 9 and 10 in the OGT Book.  Then do the study test that I handed out in class.  Close your OGT books when you take the study test.  Just see where you are at.  Obviously I'm not grading for right and wrong effort.  You should just be trying to see if you are comfortable with the material.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Monday 03.07

Malcom X

1st Period, sorry for the confusion getting you the blue OGT books.

Alright everyone in 1st and 10th, please read chapter 8 on economics.  Then, on paper, to turn in, please answer questions 1-10 at the end of Chapter 8, "Testing Your Knowledge." For a HW grade.

In Class today, we wrote briefly about "I have a Dream"
We discussed more events of the Civil Rights Movement, including MLK, women, Latinos, and Native Americans.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Friday 03/04

No Homework.

In Class:
We took 10 minutes to write an OGT free-response (essay).  Please refer to the Blue OGT Review Books and look at pp 18-21 to see what we did in class.  Write the essay, then, self-grade it after reading the other responses from the OGT book.  Hopefully you will have a clearer understanding of what the OGT graders are looking for.

Then, we watched some video clips about a few of the big events of the Civil Rights movement.  Refer to the powerpoint we went over in class.
There are a couple youtube links in the power point.  Make sure you click on them to learn about the person or event

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Wednesday and Thursday 03.02 - 03.03

HW : Read Chapter 18 section 1.

Discussed 14th Amendment and Supreme Court cases involving the 14th Amendment.
Work Through the powerpoint that I posted if you weren't here.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Tuesday was Test Day

Good Work.  Hopefully you weren't too stressed out.
Thank You for working hard so far this quarter!

No Homework

We will be discussing Civil Rights tomorrow.